My name is Lourdes Urrieta, I am 42 years old and I am from Venezuela. I came to the United States 3 years and 3 months ago. It all started when I came to verify the operation of some hotels in the chain where I worked, and for reasons beyond my control, I had to stay.
In my country, many of us who think differently and do not support the government that leads us are persecuted, attacked, and harassed. Being here in the United States, in my country they came to look for me for an arrest warrant that was in my name. Fear invaded me. However, I understood that I had to go back and face what was happening. It
happened that God had a different destiny for me. On the day I was to return to Venezuela, they closed all relations with various countries, causing Copa Airlines to send me an email stating that my return flight could not be made, because bilateral relations were broken. It was there that I had to make the decision to put my children to safety and start a new life here in the United States, full of opportunities and, above all, freedom!
This has been one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. I fell into depression, I cried for months continuously without stopping, I did not understand why I had to leave everything. It did not seem fair to me that wanting the good for my country would have cost me having to separate from my family. Although I pretended to my children that everything was fine to give them security, I was devastated.
This situation made me gain weight like never before, and therefore my physical condition and my quality of life decreased. As the years passed, we got to know the benefits that this country offers, and I had the opportunity to participate in the admission process so that my son could enter high school. He has been at Cristo Rey College Prep Fort Worth for two years. The School Parents Club was very supportive for me since I felt part of a community, of a family. And it was in this club where, one fine day, the mothers were awarded scholarships to take El Camino Rojo. I was one of the lucky ones!
When I listened to Aideé and Mónica in the workshop sessions, it made me want to keep going; their voices were sweet and conveyed a lot. So much so that I longed for days to go by soon to hear them again. In each session, they shared so many wellness tips that my curiosity aroused more and more.
As I learned about everything El Camino Rojo offers, I realized that I was a total disaster. My pantry was contaminating me and my family, due to some toxic ingredients it contained. When I started the program, I immediately made changes in my diet and in my life. My whole family got involved in El Camino Rojo!
Now we eat more real, with better balance and with better seasonings. Now I know that organic is not necessarily the best and that even if it says "sugar-free", it is not necessarily healthier. Today I understand that canned foods are not the most nutritious food. Today I know I have a new opportunity! I confess that now when my husband buys a new product, he first brings me the container so that I can read the ingredients on the label and give it the "go-ahead." Together, as a family, we are learning more and more.
In El Camino Rojo they also taught me that I need to wear “red glasses”; that is, to see the great opportunities that are presented to us. My life is an opportunity, and I am making the most of it.
In ROSAesROJO there are a large number of ambassadors who have a lot to contribute, and who are willing to accompany, guide, and guide you on this path. Soon I will train as an Ambassador! I invite you to live this experience and improve your quality of life.
