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The Rojo Way - PROGRAMAS.png


What is The Rojo Way?

What is it about?

ROSAesROJO's The Rojo Way program provides direct health and wellness education designed to prevent chronic diseases, in person or online, 100% in Spanish and culturally relevant, primarily for Hispanic women.

Wellness Workshops: The Rojo Way begins with 19 hours of interactive workshops on nutrition, mental health, physical activity and empowered health, designed using the Accelerated Learning Methodology.

The Rojo Way focuses on breaking down complex topics into simple, practical ideas and building positive networks of support. Our messages always maintain a positive tone, focusing on solutions and emphasizing the importance of understanding what we can control and change.

Mentoring: At the conclusion of the workshops, ROSAesROJO Ambassadors offer 4 hours of personalized mentoring and act as accountability partners to help participants develop a personalized Action Plan and goals, and reflect on progress.

As a result, Hispanic women are learning to take care of themselves, so they can lead their families and communities in building healthy behaviors.

Graduation Ceremony: Each participant celebrates the completion of the program and is awarded a diploma. We have two graduations per year, one in summer and one in winter.

Our participants in The Rojo Way achieve healthy habits in:





improve their healthy

food choices

Empowered Health



are empowered by working with their medical teams

Physical Activity



incorporate more intentional movement

Mental Health



feel at peace and take care of their emotions


What are the steps to participate in The Rojo Way ™?

Hispanic women find out about the program through the recommendation of other women who have participated, through social media or through our community partners (hospitals, churches, other non-profit organizations). Our participants are often confused by so much information that exists today about health and wellness, most of it in English and difficult to understand.

Together with our community partners, we do an evaluation to award scholarships to our participants.

The Rojo Way™ begins with 16 hours of face-to-face or online workshops on nutrition, positive thinking, healthy emotions and physical activity.

It then continues with four 1: 1 sessions of personalized mentoring to make and fulfill an Action Plan. Each session lasts one hour. These sessions are led by a ROSAesROJO ambassador.

Continuing support thanks to:


Communication via texts, using the EZText app.


Podcast and YouTube channel SUPERVIVE.


Survival Guides downloadable from our website.


Digital blog in Spanish with wellness articles.


Education and ongoing wellness messages, via social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.


References with other partner and friend organizations.

To measure the effectiveness of The Rojo Way ™, we have defined three evaluation moments:



At the beginning, our participants answer a questionnaire to understand where they are today, with respect to a healthy lifestyle and well-being. Point!

After attending our workshops, our participants complete a questionnaire to measure the skills they have learned, and how their lives are changing to improve their health and well-being.

Once they have finished the personalized mentoring sessions, our participants complete a questionnaire to measure their resilience, well-being habits and better lifestyle *.


In the long term, we measure that our participants have the ability to:






Make better choices in your eating choices.

Correctly check product labels.

Identify toxic or poorly nutritious ingredients.

Name and acknowledge your emotions.

Incorporate a healthy lifestyle, in accordance with your personal and family budgets.

* Our effectiveness and evaluations are based on the model of Dr. Martin Seligman: the PERMA model of the University of Pennsylvania

(positive emotions, commitment, positive relationships, meaning and achievement).

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