Julia and Lety have been friends and confidants for more than 10 years, but they have been on the road to a healthier life for 3 years. They decided to walk this path together, sharing EVERYTHING. From desires and dreams to recipes and tips. When they met ROSAesROJO, their concepts of health and well-being were enhanced. Today we tell you their stories:
L: Hello! My name is Lety. I am 50 years old and I have lived in the USA since I got married. I was just 19 years old and my husband was 21. Now we have 3 beautiful children. My search for wellness began because a few years ago my husband suffered a stroke. Thank God he is a supervivor and did not progress to the elderly, but as a result of this event, his kidneys were damaged. That's when we had to make a complete life change. We had to learn to nourish ourselves and incorporate physical activity into our lives, but for this, we decided to seek help. Suddenly, we find ROSAesROJO.
J: Hello! My name is Julia, I am 58 years old, and I am living in the USA because at the age of 15 my husband and I made the decision to come here. We have made our lives here ever since. I currently have 5 children. Thankfully, my quest for wellness didn't start with any health complications. It really started because my husband and I wanted to lose weight for our health. We wanted to start taking better care of ourselves to avoid any complications with age. I decided to talk to Lety, my friend from 12 years ago, about the change she wanted to make, and how we were both looking for a better lifestyle, we agreed to start together. At the end of the day, everything is always easier together.
L: The truth is that having worked together for so many years makes seeing our progress extremely special. Julia and I have always called each other “Partners”, but now it has a more special meaning! J: Totally. And reaching out to each other has not only benefited us, but also our families.
J: We found The Rojo Way thanks to my daughter. She works at Cristo Rey Fort Worth Prep, and when she found out what the program was about, she loved it and recommended it to us to take it together. L: It often happens to us that everybody thinks we're always together, and in this case, it was the same. I remember that she told us: "I want you to live this together, you are going to get so much out of it." J: It's true, and the truth is that we saw a change in our lives when, thanks to The Rojo Way, we began to really understand the concepts of nutrition, physical activity, and mental health. Before, we only counted calories. Now we make sure that everything we consume is REAL, and we know the importance of integrating exercise and positive thinking into our lives.
L: Being a part of The Rojo Way has truly been a blessing. It has marked us for life, and it is really worth it. Especially because it came to us to offer us support and give us that push that we needed so much at a very difficult time. To this day we value and thank all the ambassadors and supervivors who were part of it, because to this day they are still here for us. J: We have loved how complete the workshop is and that we made even more community. Between all of us, we are getting better every day. I feel much more compassion for myself, and now I believe that I have a lot to give and that I am important. L: They have helped us in an incredible way to raise our self-esteem and see life in a positive way, and personally that has helped me profoundly in my relationship with my family.
L: By the time we finished The Rojo Way, we wanted to change the world, and although it is sometimes complicated, we want as many people as possible to go through this path. In the meantime, we share what we have learned with our family and friends. Sometimes through recipes, or sometimes through a simple anecdote. It all adds up. J: I still want to tell everyone who is going through a difficult time to believe that this program makes a difference. Together they lift you up and motivate you to see the bright side of things.
L: If we really love, value, and love each other, we can change to be better!
