When we met Juanita, her hair was very short, her skin, a little dry from chemotherapy, sometimes she had a little fatigue; however, her smile and cheerful spirit lit up the entire room and made us all happy.
In December of 2018, Juanita graduated with the First Generation of The Rojo Way. A historic event, as it was the first time that ROSAesROJO carried out this event, and it was all thanks to the trust of community partners and donors from North Texas.
Juanita learned about The Rojo Way thanks to the Cancer Support Community of North Texas. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was about to finish her treatments. Juanita was looking for a community, and also information, to have a better lifestyle after cancer treatments. That is how she found out about ROSAesROJO and decided to participate in wellness workshops, mentorships, support groups, and begin this adventure of learning and forming a community.
Juanita learned the news of the metastasis of her disease a little over a year ago, and that didn’t stop her dedication, her joy, and her love for others. Even in the midst of new treatments and pain, Juanita actively participated in events and projects of ROSAesROJO, and other social organizations in which she participated. Her smile is always present. Her jokes and sense of humor lifted everyone's spirits.
Juanita was certified as an Ambassador of ROSAesROJO in December 2019, and in this role, in particular, she accompanied other women on their well-being journey.
Juanita gained the peace that only a life FULLY lived can give. Today we want to pay tribute and remember all the love we have for her. Thank you Juanita for that example of joy! You taught us that it is only by sharing your joy that we will thrive!
Thank you Juanita for your service, dedication, and love for ROSAesROJO. You always live in our hearts.
“I met Juanita in The Rojo Way back in 2018. She was finishing up her cancer treatment and I was just starting mine. What struck me most about her was her personality. She was a very strong woman, direct, and above all always willing to help anyone. The most beautiful memory I have of her is that in one of the training sessions we had together, we discovered that there was a slide hidden behind the room, so we decided to go play. I recorded her on my phone while she laughed and played like little girls...That's who she was!... Spontaneous and fun. I am thankful for my time with her.”
- Lesly, 2022
“Juanita and I met in a beauty class taught by the Cancer Support Community of North Texas, in May 2018. We were both bald because we were undergoing treatment, and at that time I was struck by how beautiful she was. It was months later that we really became friends. We meet again at Parkland Hospital because we have an appointment for our chemotherapy. She started talking to me and that's when we started calling each other on the phone and visiting each other regularly. Curiously, she was the one who sent me all the information to join ROSAesROJO. She and I took the Red Road together. I remember her fondly because she was a great friend. She always called me and looked for me. We even got to participate together as volunteers of ROSAesROJO. I will always remember Juanita with her cheerful spirit, her jokes, and her loving heart.”
Nancy, 2022
I met Juanita at a ROSAesROJO workshop. She was invited by the Cancer Support Community of North Texas, which is one of our community partners. Juanita was finishing her breast cancer treatment when she arrived at the workshops. I distinctly remember that her first workshop was a face-to-face one, at the Meadows Conference Center. Juanita was a very active participant and always smiling. She wasn't sorry at all! She truly was the life of the party (or the workshop!). Juanita was part of our FIRST Rojo Way Graduation Ceremony, at the Hilton Anatole Hotel back in 2018. I remember that several times she told me that what she needed to work on her emotional health the most: recognizing what she was feeling and living. She always did VERY WELL. As an Ambassador, Juanita helped many other women thrive too. Juanita always distinguished herself by serving with great joy in workshops, at events, at celebrations. Her joy, love for others, and her spirit of service will continue to infect us all forever.
- Aidee, 2022
ROSAesROJO’s Founder
