Hello! My name is María del Carmen León Gámez, I am 42 years old, I am originally from Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Mexico, at the age of 27 I met my husband, and I’ve lived in the US for 14 years.
ROSAesROJO came into my life through a group of Mexicans, and from the first time I heard about this organization I was impressed with everything they did, and despite the fact that I had already been invited to be part of one of the workshops, for some reason I could never attend; However, ROSAesROJO stayed in my mind, and I knew that one day I would be part of their programs.
One day, my body was alerting me that something was not so right, I noticed something strange in one of my breasts, and I quickly decided to make an appointment with the doctor. When I got there, my doctor noticed something strange in both breasts, and they ordered me to do a mammogram. Days before this study, my nerves were breaking down and I desperately needed someone to lean on; It was then that I decided to contact ROSAesROJO, and for a moment I began to feel relief and to calm my nerves. Fortunately, the finding in the results was benign, but for obvious reasons, I would have to have more frequent medical check-ups.
After a while, I made a trip to Mexico, to my city of origin, and while there I decided to have a check-up with my gynecologist; again my body had thrown an alert and this time they found a tumor in one of my ovaries. The restlessness began again that something will not turn out well, after many studies; my gynecologist decided that the best thing to do would be to have surgery to remove the ovary where this tumor was. At the end of this operation, the pathology results were negative for cancer, and peace and tranquility returned to me again.
Several months of recovery passed, and when I finally returned to work, the pandemic came to bring many changes, and one of those was my third pregnancy at 41 years old. They contacted me from ROSAesROJO to invite me to “El Camino Rojo”, and without thinking much about it and knowing that I needed it, I said yes!
Today, I still believe that my baby is a “RED baby” because knowing and being part of ROSAesROJO has impacted me in many ways and it came just at the moment when I was expecting my baby. I think I am one of those lucky women that despite two scares with my health and related to cancer, everything turned out negative.
Now thanks to ROSAesROJO I continue to learn every day about PREVENTION, and I can apply this knowledge in the care and feeding of my baby and family in general. ROSAesROJO is very special to me because they have accompanied me throughout this process and they have not let me go. I realized that I needed to take care of myself and that preventing illness is possible.
ROSAesROJO was definitely the turning point for learning and making changes, I can say that today my diet has changed drastically. They taught me to eat and to remove from my cupboard all those ingredients that were not good for me. Making these changes hand in hand with this great community has been a very nice experience because they always make me feel valued and pampered.
I am very happy because my family and friends have noticed positive changes and love for life. Thanks to this, I can share what I have learned and inspire my loved ones to make positive changes in their lives. I am grateful for the teachings, the support, and the accompaniment. I will continue to prepare for a healthy and resilient life.